Hi All
Sorry I am not wrote for few days thought I would save it all for now.....teee heee
So what have I been upto, well I managed to get over the weekend just about.....and on Monday night my Uncle Steve and Lauren paid a surprise visit to me which was fab.......
They stayed for a couple of hours and we have a good chit chat and a laugh too, as you never know what's gonna come out of Steve's mouth sometimes but they both certainly cheered me up and it had nothing to do with the chocolates they bought me (honest!!) But seriously it was good to see you both and thanks again for coming
I woke up on tuesday morning feeling a lot brighter again, and although I don't want to jinx it I do seem to be having more good day than bad days at the moments and I think its a combination of me using my body more to do things such a housework and cooking, although I am pacing myself so where as before cleaning the flat would be an hour or so, it takes me longer as I will now polish one room, and rest, hoover then rest etc etc.......
It takes longer but I am actually doing something and at the minute I'm in no rush to get things done, it was only a month or so ago when Ferg was having to make my dinner each day before he went out as I couldn't but now I am making my own dinner on a regular basis, I know when you read this you may again think "Oh My God" but seriously this is my life at the minute and just being able to do little thinks is so moral boosting for me.
I haven't slept in the afternoon for a few days either, I have felt like it but when I have tried I have struggled to fall sleep which is frustrating but I am sleeping quite well in the night so I cannot grumble too much.
I went to town again yesterday, only to two shops as we just needed a few bits and bobs but again it felt good that I managed it without too much difficulty but I didn't push myself to far, I'm not too sure at the minute where the boundaries lie on what I can and cant's do so it's more of a suck it and see, I am in the comfort that if I do over do it, then I know I need to rest to fully recharge myself.
I am now drinking some Aloe vera juice 3 times a day as I have read that it is good for ME/CFS sufferers, so Ferg got me some from the health shop, it does not taste that great but sod it I will drink it, obviuosly it will take a while to see if this new "Medicine" works but will keep you updated.............!
So that's what's happened for the last few days in my life............today though rain permitting I will be watching the 3rd test match in the Ashes series and I hope its as good as the last one with the same result and maybe my mood is lifting as the football season will again soon be upon us.......................YEAHHHHHHHHH!!!
Oh and I am trying to rest up and save my energy to go out on Saturday night to a quiz/disco which will be raising money for a good cause in memory of a good man that passed away last year so I hoping even if it's for a couple of hours I will go.
Today's picture was taken last year and this was one of the 1st fish I caught :-)
Catch you all soon..............Ginge xx
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