Well where do I start today.........this seemed so easy the 1st two day........but me be stuck for words........there is always a first....Do I tell you what I did yesterday? Or just my thought and feelings? I'm not too sure so you will probably just get a mixture of anything and everything......
Well I'm on the countdown to my 1st appointment with the specialist Dr.Ellis......at Stoke hospital. I'm not sure what to expect, I am not naive enough to believe that he is going to offer me a miracle cure just hoping for him to say "Yes I understand" and "This is how I can help"...and believe me I am willing to try anything...(well within reason lol)
I have started to prepare for this, as you know what its like when you go for an interview or similar you always forget something so I am writing down my symptoms, I tried to do frequency but you'd need a bloody master degree to work that one out! Also Ferg ill be by my side so I'm sure he will help me and also help absorb the info I hope to get.
Well yesterday I managed to go to my mums for a short while, a change of scenery sometimes helps, as most days my change of scenery is my bedroom to the front room and vice verse! Although needless to say I was completely shattered by the time I got back, but as it was 6pm I knew that if I slept then I wouldn't get much through the night so I fought it hard, I know I shouldn't but sometimes I am left in this catch 22 situation, sleep in the day...dont sleep at night......I could sleep for a full day and still wake up unrefreshed, so I try and maintain some sort of routine by going to sleep at between 10-11pm and waking between 7.30-8am which is similar to when I was working so I want to try when possible to keep that as I think its important. Some day's though I do sleep, Monday I slept almost 3 hours in the afternoon..........woke up and felt like poop so slept again.........you may think yeah that would be nice but I'd rather be rushed of my feet at work and feeling a little stressed there than being asleep.
I keep looking on the Internet.....thinking maybe I'll find a cure but that's just hope rather than being a realist but it beats watching the crap on TV all day........although I do watch Jeremy Kyle because no matter how crap I'm feeling that show makes me feel a whole lot better! :-)
Well at least the Ashes has started now, as boring as some of you may think cricket is, it has turned into one of my favourite sports now, I was even looking forward to going to Edgebaston in Birmingham in August for the T20 finals day, but sadly I have now sold my tickets as I just cannot be sure what I will be like on the day...........but I'll have a great view from my bed or the sofa...........and I know one day I will go and see a live game........I just wont plan for that day yet.
It will be the same when the football season comes along, as you know Liverpool FC is a great love of mine although they probably put me through more pain than CFS....lol, I dont get many tickets but we aim to go a few times a season, when that will next happen I do not know, but again I will watch on from afar......................
So I am really struggling at the minute to write anything else I think the tiredness is clouding my head slightly so I will sign off and I want this to be a daily blog not a Catherine Cookson epic............but I do like to harp on!
Thanks again for reading and I hope you continue to do so..............but I must now change my bed sheets.........that has to be one of the best things in the world....fresh bed linen.........wish I had it everyday.........although there is nothing to stop me really..........hmmmm I may ponder that, although I think Ferg may think I've gone more nuts and OCD than I am already...............
Take care see you tomorrow!!! Gingexx
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