Hello again.........
Well I left you alone all weekend..........one reason was that I had a quite busy one by my standards
First things first though, I received two letters from the hospital over the weekend the first is for an EEG test tomorrow again at Stoke hospital it where the study your brain through electrodes on my head........its about an hour long, that should be fun, study MY brain........te heeee.
The second is my dreaded lumbar puncture :-( that is two weeks Tuesday the 4th August again at Stoke, so the drive home should be fun....Although as I don't drive it will be Ferg, I may need to lie down in the back, I am so happy that they will take place very quickly from my initial appointment last week I was expecting a longer, just hope my physio appointments are as fast and then I can really begin my road to recovery, although I firmly believe the wheels are already in motion.
So on Saturday I woke up around the usual time and decided to venture into town, I have been a few ties since I've been unwell but never managed to get far, but on Saturday I was overjoyed that I spent almost an hour in town and went to 4 shops........Yourselves reading may think "BIG DEAL" but even though you are getting a small feeling from this blog on how I've been unless you are Ferg you haven't witnessed the pain and suffering so yes this was a "VERY BIG DEAL" to me and really boosted me again
I touched on it before but I appreciate everything in life now, the small things that I usually didn't notice and also how when I am better that I will continue too, as it has made me think about what IS important and was can take a back seat.
Saturday afternoon/evening I even treated myself to a few pear ciders.......In comparison to what I use to drink this was a real treat! I feel the affects quicker too so I have been staying away from it more.
Sunday I woke and felt fantastic, and decided to go fishing again, we went to the lakes at Seighford again as we can park right next to where I sit to fish, it is literally 5 steps or so, and Ferg sets up the majority of the kit so I just then fish, my arms tend to ache but the joy of fishing is that you go at your own pace so sometime I do just sit there and relax, I spent the day practically symptom free, its a strange feeling as I have grown so used to having aches and pain and fatigue I have forgotten what it's like to feel "Normal"
We spent the majority of the day out and just as we had decided to pack up I landed my biggest fish of my life!) (today's picture shows my prize....a 5lbs carp, and boy it gave me a great fight.........god knows what it will be like when I land anything bigger, the rush I get from landing a fish is unreal, fishing is something I never though I would enjoy but I love it, and today i think I am paying the price, but hey I refuse to let this illness make me a hermit and I will make the most of goods days and rest when its a little too much for me like today.
The weekend was rounded of perfectly with a nice warm bath, me getting some winnings back from the golf, after backing Tom Watson at 100/1 and Goosen 40/1 each way and a tasty chow mein.........well me and ferg were too tired to cook after the long day.
I hope you all enjoyed the weekend as much as me.........but I am going to rest up now as I have to be at Stoke Hospital at 8.45 tomorrow so I'll be up early for that..........
I'll catch up with you all tomorrow to let you know how I got on
See you soon..............Ginge x
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