Monday Monday...................bluessssssssssssss
Hope you all had a fab weekend...........I've had a mixed one really so I start at the beginning....(its always best!)
As the weather forecast was good for Saturday and bad for Sunday we decided to go fishing on Saturday....and for once the weather forecast was spot on............
We set off early at 7am and headed towards a new pool for us at Adbaston..........and it was lovely, the pool was on a farmers field and it was so clean neat and tidy..........and very peaceful, (I could have fell asleep!) When we got there there were only a few more people fishing and that is how it remained all day.
The sun shone, I had to get the suncream you know these little gingers burn...and I felt really good and relaxed after a few rough days before hand......I took some pictures which I have not transferred yet from my phone to show you but I will soon.......
I caught about 30-40 fish the biggest being about 1lb so no clonkers for me this week, but still enjoyable anyhow..........I started to get very tired about 3 ish so we called it a day then a set of back home, had a lovely soak in the bath and finished the day with a Chinese..........
Saturday night I started to feel quite unwell, I have not felt like this for some time, I felt dizzy, extremely fatigued and achy.......maybe the sun took its toll....
I slept about 14 hours waking up about 8ish on Sunday morning had a slice of toast but felt really poorly still, I was very nauseous, head aches, my body felt like it had been hit time and again with a sledge hammer I knew I was going to have a bad I decided that sleep was the answer and drifted off again until a quarter to 1.........
I woke still feeling the same so decided the best place for me was bed all day...........I did help with the Sunday lunch though as I have said before I always want to do something even if its small.
I had a long soak in a radox bath but nothing was helping, the pleasing thing though I didn't get down about it which is what I would have done in the past...I thought well I had a good day yesterday I just have to take the rough with the smooth, so I ate my Roast chicken lunch and rested in bed hoping that this morning would bring some better fortune
It has done, today I still feel a little yuk, but not as bad as yesterday so I have changed the bed sheets, hoovered and polished and done the washing............not all at the same time....I know I'm good but come on...:-)
I took plenty of rest in between and had myself a nice shower afterwards then promptly got myself back lying on my bed to try and recharge myself again...
So at the minute I am 50/50 I just cannot make up my mind can I.............oh well onwards and upwards as they say
Today's picture was taken in Novemeber 2008 about a month before I started to feel unwell, its me and my Unkee Markee who always gives me sound advice and words of support and I just really like this :-)
See you soon guys......Love Ginge xxxx
hey,loo loo....fav unc markee,here,i always read ya blog,i know it helps you in a big way to talk about it. that pic of you and me,(which i love as well)was taken at my 50th,and you was in the proper brown mode on that night,that being the party piece/animal,that we all know you are,its strange for people who love and know you ,to see a change,and some times we close our eyes to it because our own memories of you are still in that proper brown mode.and it hurts us all to see you the total we are all leaning as well loo loo,but know this if you ever need me/us we will be there before you even finish ya next carry on doing whats best for ya loo