Hello Everyone...........
How are you all? I hope you are all well, I'm sad to report that I have a had a rough couple of days but I think the fog is lifted at last.
By my standards of the last few months I've done quite alot in the last few weeks, and I think it's just caught me up.
So the last two days or so I have done what I do best..........Rest and Relax.
I have been lucky that I have not had any really bad headaches for a few days, just odd little niggling ones, so I know one was due to visit me and it has done with a vengeance, again as I have said before it last for about 10 mins or so, goes then comes back, they are very odd, but very painful, like hammer blows and crushing pain and normally before i had CFS a couple of painkillers worked but nothing seems to shift them, the doctor did prescibe me some stronger tablets but they made my lips swell, and they didn't work anyhow, so I just grin and bear the pain.
Lying down seems to ease the crushing pain slightly, I just have to wait until it passes most days though, it just something that I have got used too.
Its strange really for me to say the next bit, when you have test after test, consultation after consultation a part of you wants the tests to show something not because I don't feel people believe me as I have almost got through that stage now bit so you can start to be cured with an operation or a course of tablets, I am sure other sufferers feel the same, as when nothing eases the headaches, muscles pains and fatigue it gets you down.
I am or I seem to being of late and I hope I don't jinx this now more good days than bad, I think it also helps to me being alot more positive than at the start of this illness, where I felt defeated before I even tried to fight back, now I understand that I just need to take the small steps not huge leaps to make a recovery.
If I had these few days days a couple of months ago I would have been sobbing and very frustrated but now I remain positive, understand that this will happen and not let myself get too down and dis-heartened by it, and I know that others can and now I can see an improvement both physically and mentally.
Maybe it's because i have age on my side, or my stubbornness is coming out, whatever it is I hope it stays with me and keeps me in the frame of mind I am currently in.
I have had two brilliant night sleep to, about 9-10 hours on both nights, and even though I tried as yesterday I was so tired and drained I haven't slept through the day.
I have even been a done some food shopping today, we always go Tesco (I'm a sucker for clubcard points!) but the last few attempts I made have been unsuccessful, and I really want to be able to get round, so today I suggested we went to Lidl which is alot smaller and we only needed some basic stuff for a change and I felt more confident I could get round and I did................again some of you may read this and think........."Yeah and what's the big deal"...........
The big deal is that this is the first time in 4 months or so I have managed to go around one shop, for about half an hour without making a quick exit back to the car, and although whilst I write this I can feel another headache come and go and I am tiring again, I am so happy with how I have got through the last couple of days and I know that in time I will gradually crawl back some of my old self................with added new and improved extras!
So will I be fishing this weekend??!?! I hope so but I will see on the day and Ferg is feeling a little unwell at the minute too, so we are looking after each other...........Bless xx
I hope the sun comes out this weekend and you all enjoy it whatever you do
Today's picture is a druken one with friends taken in May this year............I love these guys....
Catch you all in a few days............ Love Ginge xxxx
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