Well the weekend is nearly upon us and I wonder what I'll be doing..........although I not planning on anything this weekend, I heard the weather is going to be bad anyhow.
As it's my big day on Monday with the specialist I think the best thing I can do is rest up, I would love the DR to see me at my worst but I have to travel to Stoke and the you know what its like waiting for your appointment, how many patients are actually seen on time??? So I'd rather rest and save my energy for Monday so I can try an have a clearer conversation with the DR.
Oh my........ the days can sometimes seem so long and boring...........I love being on facebook though as I'm lucky there is usually someone to chat to on there, even if it just 2 mins to say hello, it makes my day seem better, as you can imagine 8-9 hours a day with just yourself for company isn't much fun and for someone just to spend 2 minutes of their time to say hi is such a boost for me, I've never experienced loneliness before and I think this is the one thing I find hard to deal with..............
So today I am not up to alot, I have put a load in the washing machine then washed and dressed, and even cooked myself some boiled eggs for breakfast............not a lot you may think but for me it is.............I am so very tired now though and will probably have to give in to sleep at some point this afternoon, my head is still pounding and I feel quite cold so I have got a hot water bottle (yes in July!) Although I will try and write the shopping list for Ferg, he doesn't really need one, he is a very good food shopper......and actually before i was ill he loved to do the shopping and we would always fight over the trolley, not sure why that just us I guess, with me usually losing that fight, I have tried to go Tesco whilst I have been ill but after 10 mins its all too much for me and my legs become very heavy and my head starts to spin with tiredness so I have made premature returns to the car, one day soon though I will do a full shopping trip, even if that means having some kind of aid to help me.
The tiredness I get is not like the "normal" tiredness you may experience where you can feel it gradually coming upon you, I can be fine one minute then as if I have a switch and bang it comes on like I have been injected with anesthetic if any of you have experienced that.
Well I hope you all have a fantastic weekend with whatever you are doing.................I will be praying for no rain so I can continue to watch the cricket, but I will probably participate in a few bet on the old nags too.............fingers crossed for some winnings.................
Todays picture is from a night out with me muckers..............!
Catch you all over the weekend....................Ginge xxx
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