Hiya Guys and Gals...................
How are we all??????? Hope you are all well, and none of you are suffering from this horrid swine flu that is swamping the nation, and if you have I do wish you well very soon...............
So have we been up to much the last day or so..............I had a very busy Thursday, well for me, and I am still in a really positive mood.............I'm even thinking of treating myself to a beer or two at the weekend..........well why the hell not!
I went the doctors yesterday and chatted to him about my hospital appointment and he also said he could see a more positive me than in recent weeks, well its not hard really as no tears!!! Yehhhhhhhh..........He did sign me off work for another month as we feel it better that I have the lumbar puncture and at least start the physio first before returning, I also went into work yesterday and discussed this all with them, and they are also happy with that, as the last thing I want to do is what I did before, think I am ok, then crumble again.
Everyone need to be realistic and understand that for me to make a recovery or semi-recovery which ever it may be it will take time, and this is my priority at the minute, and not worry or have stresses about returning to work, yes it will be tight financially for a while, but it's not as if I going out like I use too, I have enough clothes, so as long as we keep a roof over our heads and have enough food then I'll be fine and dandy.
I was certainly not happy yesterday when I went to see the nurse to have some blood taken as I just didn't realise HOW MUCH they were taking, as I couldn't eat before hand I felt very very faint, luckily I didn't, but felt a little rough all the same. I am sure they plan to sell my blood around Halloween time, they have taken enough!
So like I said I also popped into work for a meeting which was fine, although I really didn't feel like it as I was already out I thought lets just do it, as if I re-arranged would I be well then?? So I got through it and also saw some nice familiar faces too which was nice, I do miss work especially the people because they are great and you can always have a laugh and giggle even when its busy and changes take place, I'd defiantly rather be there than sitting at home any day, that's why I want to get back there.
I had a little kip when I got home though, I actually sat in the front room all day which is something I haven't done in weeks, as I like to be cosy and comfortable in bed, but I did nod off for an hour or two, which I must have needed.
I didn't really do any house work though, as I thought I had managed a lot this week compared to previous weeks and I don't want to be pushing it, I did make tea though..............(Yes Mrs.Kent again! te heeeee)
My Dad and Lorraine also popped up for an hour or so last night too which was nice, had some chitty chatter...etc..........and then I was in bed for five past nine and think I must have dropped off straight away, and didn't wake until 8am this morning................wow............and I still now feel tired, like I said I think the week and activities big and small are catching up, so today I am on the sofa again but will more than likely have a sleep at some point, whilst I watch the 2nd test and flick over to the golf..................and no despite some opinions.....these sports do not send me to sleep..........lol
AI also need to write the shopping list for Ferg............bless him............I do love him you know :-)
So I am going to try and remain positive, as my mind is feeling a lot healthier I just need my body to catch up with it as I think it is about 4 weeks behind at the minute.............
I hope you all have a fun filled weekend, hopefully I will get to have a beer or two, whether its at the neighbours party or in the house..........
Today's picture was taken on the booze boat in Mexico October 2008.............fantastic day with Ferg, Diane and George!
See you soon...........Ginge xx
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