Hiya All
Hope your all good and well, especially those of you with kiddies and the long summer (well gloomy) hols have or about to start...............
Oh When I was at school the best thing was the longggggggg summer hols, I would be out playing football on the reck or Coton Fields with the lads all day everyday, a £1 or so in my pockets for a bag of chips, and then the change on a Happy Shopper bottle of pop and dozens of ice pops, so young and carefree, couldn't wait to grow up.............yes and "Older People" saying enjoy being a kid...........Oh how true that is.............
So after my "Great" weekend, I think it finally caught up with me, I had to be up early to go the hospital for 8.45 in Stoke, for my EEG, I got seen on time too which was good, as I was feeling so hot and tired, and a headache had come upon me....
The test was straight forward , I had about 20 electrodes stuck with some gel like substance to my head and then was asked to lie down, and she didn't have to ask me that twice..........as its currently my favoured position...I then just lay there for approx 20 mins whilst I had to open and close my eyes, I also did 3 minutes of deep breathing the the end of the test was to watch a light flashing in front of my eyes, which was slow at first, then gradually flashed so fast it looked like it was on permanently. I was about to grab my bottle of Evian, white gloves and whistle.....The light flashing was at about 5-10 second intervals.
It was painless really, the blood work is more painful, apart from my eyes watering a little but that's okay.
I will more than likely get the results along with the blood and lumbar puncture all together, so we shall wait and see.
So that's another test done and dusted just gotta go for the lumbar next............oh how that's gonna be nice..........
So I was going to try and go into Hanley after the hospital and even though all I did was to lie down I was shattered, so it was straight home for me, where I lay down for a few hours.
I made tea yesterday again though, more for Ferg than me as I made him a spag bol, and also mince and onions for his tea tonight, I don't like either of them. I've started to just take my time with things and gradually get them done, its not always the best way but at the minute its the only way for me.
I had terrible pain in my shoulder last night, I have it frequently mainly at night its like a knife repeatedly stabbing me, no painkiller really relieves the pain, I use the hot water bottle, it doesn't stop the pain but it does ease it, the only problem with that is that I get then very hot and it seems to make my symptom's worse..........Just can't win sometimes, but I always try and look on the brights side.
Today's picture was taken on 2nd December 2007, Liverpool vs Bolton.......for Fergs 40th B'day.........and its true You'll Never Walk Alone...............x
Catch you all soon.....Ginge x
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