Thursday 27 August 2009

I just feel so frustrated today.........................

Hi Guys...........

How are we all..........? I'm not too bad, haven't been all singing all dancing this past week, but not been stuck in bed either.....

I managed to go out to the pub with Ferg and his Dad on Saturday afternoon, only for a few hours but it was nice, and then again on Sunday but this time only for half hour to my nephews party...........arghhhhhhhhh screaming kids....(and that was just the adults.....;-)

Apart from that I haven't done or it seems that I haven't done much, which may be the reason today I am feeling so frustrated...............

I haven't had a day like this for a long time, but I just want to do something anything but I have no energy......I sit surfing the net, flicking the TV channels, pick my book up, put my book down, make a coffee sit up, lie down.........arghhhhhhhhhhh I just want to scream............I'm not down or sad or depressed about it, just maybe angry that I feel so restricted. I don't want to feel like this it is just today I cannot snap out of it..........

So instead of letting steam of wrongly and getting even more frustrated I though it would be best I wrote here...............

I am not even feeling sorry for myself, I think its just a crazy day and I cant settle to even watch a film even music is peeing me right off today.............

I feel like I have lots of energy (although I am very tired).......god I even driving myself up the wall body feels all tense, its all very strange.............I hope it passes soon................

On a positive note I have started to brake up the housework and spread it across more days..........I'm not if that is why I am feeling like I am..........but I will stick at it as I am sure given time it will work, and I will be able to keep my energy levels balanced rather than run the battery flat and then trying to recharge for days on end............

You may be thinking tell the doctor about how your feeling.........but I have to be careful as I know exactly what he will say...."Anti Depressants" Now if I felt like this all the time then maybe that would be an option but I am only getting this the odd day and less and less often..............and I'm sure in a few hours or tomorrow I will be fine again...........

Maybe it's because Big Brother is ending next year, or Liverpool's appalling start to the new season............or I have ran out of coco pops.............oh I don't know

I am allowing myself to have this day though......I think even if I wasn't ill I would have days like this......

Anyhow rant over.............I don't want to bore you too I'll put so music on again and pick up my book again..........

Maybe after I've had some lunch I'll feel different...................

Today's picture is an old one from when I was in the army and trying on my uniform for the first time.......11 years ago!!! My god time flies...................

Catch ya soon, and hopefully I'll be in a better mood........Ginge xxxx

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