Hello Again.........
How are we all??? Well I am happy to report I have a had a better few days, although I have still been dogged with fatigue and the horrid headaches...................
I went to the doctors again on Thursday, and they took some more blood, will get the results soon, they were interested in one part of the blood, but it may be a red herring so until I know for certain I am keeping it close to my chest, its nothing major and if there is a small issue it can be rectified.......I will reveal when the results are in..............
I went to see my best bud on Thursday too after the doctors, which cheered me up, I may not be able to do most things now, but managing a coffee with my best mate is always good, she makes me laugh and cheers me up, and so her her kids, they are all fantastic, and hopefully as long as I am okay, on her day off from work I will try and pop and see her each week, as being stuck in these four walls really does more harm than good.
You can start to feel shut of from the "real world" which is not healthy at all, and can lead to depression as you start to feel unloved etc....which is where I was at the beginning of this illness as I was scared to leave the flat if I'm honest, as I didn't know what was happening to me at the beginning........it was scary but now I know the common pains and feelings I get I am learning to deal with them as and when they come and not to be scared when they do come.
I was a bit gutted on Saturday as back in February I bought me and ferg tickets for the T20 cricket finals day at Edgebaston obviously I couldn't go and sold my tickets so when it was on the TV i was gutted but then thought hey one day I'll get better and if I cannot handle the 12 hours cricket marathon in future years the I will go and see the cricket when its just one T20 game which is only a few hours long.......I don't mind its just one thing I want to experience in life.
Also the footy season got under way and although my beloved Liverpool lost today I don't mind so much as I just love the game and happy that this will occupy some of my time again........I also got lucky on a coupon and got 7 result in and won over £100 which is always a bonus..:-)
So its Sunday night and the Sunday night before when I was working seemed to come round so fast and signalled the end of the weekend, well for me at the minute its just another day..........I know people are like oh no Sunday night........I will be so happy to get that feeling back I can tell you and also the "FRIDAY" feeling which I have lost as all my days seem to be the same..........but lets not get down about that.............
So I be back in a few days.......maybe with some news from the blood tests.............fingers crossed............
Today's picture was taken in Nov 08 my last night on the town, picture are my best mate Dawn, Tracy and her hubby Phil.....They are all great friend who always make me laugh.............x
Catch ya soon...........Ginge xx
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