I know its been nearly a week again, but I really don't want to bore you each day.......
So this week has flown by, its amazing how perception of time changes with the way you feel......when I'm having a bad day the days are so long and lonely yet when I feel good time flies....and on both days I could be doing the same.......hmmmmm
This week has been pretty much the same as last week although I feel I have done more with getting my body moving.....I did have a little off day on Wednesday, although I think I may have eaten some dodgy mushrooms as I was up in the night feeling very sick so I didn't sleep much either...so Wednesday was my day of rest...I was going to my mums's as my sisters and brothers go on a Wednesday and we have dinner but I just felt unwell so I was better off staying at home....
Thursday I was much brighter so it worked...I am slowly but surely listening to my bodies needs.........and I MUST continue to do this and go at MY pace that I am comfortable with.
I have this week been more careful with foods that I am eating and also trying to increase the B12 levels too, with a tablet and foods.......I had my bloods done yesterday so hopefully ion a week or so I will know more if its still low then who knows....I will keep you updated.....
I even had the Wii Fit out for 3 days this week doing some gradual exercises, I haven't felt too many ill effects although I was tired, so I will try every other day to do 15 minutes......and see if that helps.....
I start physio too on the 5th October for graded exercise, I am not sure what to expect but I sure will give it a damm good go.............! Its only down the road too which is good and my physio will be called Russell, I haven't met him yet but I'm sure we will get on just fine.....I am really looking forward to it as for the first time in a very long time I feel this could be it, although again I am going to be very careful as always as I know how bad a relapse can be....so its all about managing it, and not do what I want to do.....like the London Marathon!!! (as if)
So I hope you all have a good weekend, I plan on relaxing as next weekend its my Army reunion...so I need some energy for that and its only 2 weeks before my little holiday.......I can't wait to have seaside fish and chips......!
Today's pic is me and my special friend and hubby again...........this was taken a couple of weeks ago at Trenthams Monkey Forrest.......
Catch you all soon.......Love :FB xxxx
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