WELL WELL WELL..............
Things are still looking well.............not 100% but 100% better than I have been..........
So I left you on sunday with the facts that I had been out for a while and felt different.....and here we are 5 days on and with a slight blip n Wednesday when I felt sorry for my own sad ass again and I still feel good.........
I went out for an hour or so on Monday to teh shops to get my Mum a birthday pressie for Tuesday, and then on Tuesday I went out for almost 2 hours and had lunch with my mum, 2 of my 3 sisters and 2 of my 5 nephews, and it was good....
I cannot remember the last time I did that, as in 3 days on the trot of going out, so it was aony an hour here and there but thats is alot for me if you have been reading this blog or speak to me often.
Dont get me wrong I have still had the headaches, but not always as intense and long lasting, and the fatigue is still present, but I am not wanting to sleep in the day like I did before, and I am sleeping through the night, a good 8-9 hours mostly.
I feel some of the old me is coming back to, where I want to go and do things, socilaise, shopping etc.....where as before looking back I was probably anxious to do those things because I was scared of being ill..........maybe I knew this but didnt admit it mainly to myself.
I have an appointment coem through to visit the neurologist too on the 19th November which is good, and I went to see my GP last night who suprised me with asking me if I wanted some more of some tablets.....the only tablets I take often are Omerprazole for acid reflux so when I questioned what tablets it turns out the neurologist has recomended I take amitriptyline which is an anti depressant............ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH was my 1st thought but the dose I take is to be 10mg going up to 50mg maximum if needed........so down the root of I dont want them etc etc........however if I was being treated for depression the dosage would be more like 100mg or so........
Anyhow some studies have shown the this tablet at this dosage each evening before bed can help with the pain ie Headaches I get so I have said before I will give anything a go, I will take them even though I have been reluctant before, I have spoken to others who suffer CFS and they have said that if helped them too with pain and sleep and just taking the edge of it..........and if I feel no benefit I can always stop taking them...........the downside is Alcohol is to avoided!! But being well again is more important.............
So I am going to start them tonight and I have to give it a couple of months I think as I may not see any benefits for a month, and if i react badly to them I will stop, but at least I know I have tried to help myself.
So today I have been to work for another review which went well, I feel more positive about things now (this is before the happy pills too!!) I do feel I will be able to work again and I have said before and will say it again.....Everyone at work who I have had some form of contact with over the 9 months have been fab, especially HR and my boss, they are very reassuring and also honest which helps, and in return I am honest with them about what I am doing etc......
I am also looking at booking a few days holiday for in about 4 weeks time, I feel I need to venture out of my bubble and get out of the falt too, I'm not planninga big adventure just a few quiet relaxing days in a caravan in Skegness.....again until I do things how will I know my limitations???
Last thing as I am aware this page is long.......When I got back from work I decided to start my own basic graded exercise by making use of Rowley Park which is at the back of my flat.......I went out on my own for the forst time in a long time, took a bottle of pop...and strolled around the park...taking a 25 minute chill on the benches watching the world go by and enjoying some sun......I went out for about an hour...walked for about 20 minutes......
I will continue to do this daily then gradually increase the amout of walking I do.............maybe this will help too......and if I feel that I cannot do it on my own I will wait and go in the evening with Ferg.......
So my legs are burning a bit now by the shock of that excercise so i am going to listen to some music and relax and loving the achievements I have done this week.........
Have a fab weekend all......I aim too............and we'll catch up next week.........
Todays picture is me and hubby agan in Mexico last October.......I think we were a tad tipsy in this picture...!
Love to all.......LFB....xx
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