Hi Guys......I'm back again............!
Well I had to blog as today I am feeling quite different, I will try and explain if I can, but I just hope how I feel today is the start of something but I believe that I will control that.........
First things first though.......... Thursday night through to today I had the little rug rat pictured with me in today's snap......which was taken today the the town park....Yes I went out for over an hour!
He is a very cheeky happy chappie and although I couldn't do lots with him it was fun, he comes out with some stuff that makes you chuckle.......Kids are ace....although I am happy to hand them back when I've had enough....!
Ferg kept him occupied most of the time, playing on the X Box and the Wii, and took him town too......
Yesterday I spent most of the day in bed feeling really quite low and tired, and started looking at "Cures" on the Internet and one keeps coming up, ts quite controversial at the minute, its called "The Lightening Process" and says it cures 89% of the ME/CFS patients who do it......although its not on the NHS etc...and costs a staggering £560-£1000 depending on where you have the process done at.
Although is there ever a price for your health.....? I say not but when controversy surrounds it its a harder decision to make.
There is not a lot of stuff actually detailed on the Internet about the process I think they keep it a mystery due to the high fees they get from it, but basically its a 3 day "Training" course and from reading someone else's detailed blog its about training your mind......so whilst initially I was very excited by it and thought "Yes" I will splash the cash now I am not so sure.........it is believed to be a kind of self hypnotherapy that's the best way from this persons blog to describe it.
There are hundreds people who say there life is improved by it, but then there is the smaller percentage who it as not helped, which I know happens with anything, but can it really work, the people whose stories I've read include Austin Healey's wife (rugby player and Strictly come dancing man) and Esther Rantzen's daughter who was bed bound for 14 years, so surely they would be promoting a dodgy money making scam would they? But if this 89% cure was so good why is it not used in the medical profession??? Oh I just don't know what to think, the thinking is driving me crazy, but I am still awaiting further talks with the hospital so until then I will not be parting with any money.
Also there are reviews which say how fantastic lives are since they have done this process but no follow ups, only up to a few months....that is also playing on my mind........anyhow it is something to ponder but until I talk it all through with my GO and consultant I will not be doing anything............it all just hurts my small brain!
So today I tried to put some of what I read into practice, telling myself to stop looking at what I cannot do and to tell myself I have 2 choices and only I can make the choices..............I can feel ill and tired and low and just lie in bed or on the sofa or I can tell myself NO I wont be ill, I want to go out, I can go out and do things............and maybe it worked today.......I went to the town park, feed the ducks, walked probably for 45 minutes or more came home hoovered, and now I am feeling a little tired but I haven't used some of my muscles in a long time so maybe that's why too.........other than the fatigue I have not had any of the usual symptoms
Maybe today is just a lucky day where I have been more symptoms free, or maybe my thought process help.....according to the lightning process its to do with adrenalin and how you use that..........Anyway I do not know, so I will take each day as it comes, but if I start to have more days like today with what I am thinking then it can only be good......
I am not getting carried away by one day far from it as I know the fall can be huge and hurt alot, but I feel different in myself, maybe I have convinced myself I will never be better but I know that there can be light at the end of the tunnel.....like I said I'm not sure but I will keep riding this wave and ope and pray I get better, and can return to work and "normal activities" as without these positive thoughts I will just depress myself and that will not help with anything....
Maybe it was having my nephew for a few days and having someone else to care for took my mind away from being unwell.....I am not sure, but we will see..............
So that got that off my chest..............let the good days roll...............well I wont give up on hope.......xx
See you soon......LFB xxxx
Hi laura,
ReplyDeletePlease be careful about kicking out the $$ for the lightning process - do a lot of research first.
I think it's a pyramid scheme - you pay the cash and attend the course and then you become a certified instructor and then are able to hold your own corse and charge and collect the fees.
Now to be honest I have never attended the lighning process course so it could well be a cure. I have included 3 websites to look at. The last link is by someone who has actually attended the course.
A first hand account (she has an email address so you can contact her with questions)
Please post your experiences as it would be very beneficial for all of us fellow sufferers.
Good luck!
I echo the notes of caution in the previous comment! Working with your thoughts can definitely help you cope, but I'm skeptical about anything that claims a cure for such a devastating illness in merely 3 days with NO medical intervention. I'd suggest trying to find scientific research studies done on the effectiveness of TLP - if there aren't any, you have to ask yourself why not? Anecdotal evidence is notoriously unreliable when it comes to medicine. If you are on a budget, your money might be better spent elsewhere.
ReplyDeleteGood luck to you, I do know the feeling of wanting to try anything at all to get some relief. It is that very desperation that scams prey on.
There are dozens and dozens of CFS/ME treatments whose efficacy has been proven in studies (and many of which cost very little, such like low dose naltrexone, which is one of the most effective treatments). Why waste money on quackery?
ReplyDeleteThere are so many "protocols" that claim to cure CFS/ME, but so far the only proven cure is antibiotics and antivirals (in some cases), perhaps IVIG for the small minority with parvovirus B19. Sadly, the people are just out to make money. You cannot cure an infectious neurological illness with hypnotherapy, NLP or any of their derivatives. It's a nice fantasy (who wouldn't like to get well!), but it simply doesn't work.