Hiya guys.....
Well I'm sad to report that after two weeks of feeling great I am now on a downward spiral to tiredness and headaches again.........
I say I'm sad but I suppose I am not really THAT sad as it meant the the injection worked....okay so I need to the the doctor again soon.....in 11 days and my next injection is in 14 days.....well I've coped for 10 months or more like this so I'm sure I can cope a few more days.........
I am amazed at how much the injection did improve my life though....no tiredness...(just the normal day-day tiredness we all feel) no headaches it was great.....I am hoping that during my visits to the docs and the specialist within this month will see them agree with me and give me more regular doses of B12 to really get my levels up then have them monthly or so to maintain them.......
I will convince them it is the way to go.....and fingers crosses they will see that too...
I felt myself going downhill on friday in all honesty...and we had been invited to a party so I said to hubby lets go as I think the next two weeks are going to be rough for me, and it was really good to again go out.
I saw and chatted to lots of friends I haven't seen in a long time, which was really nice and had lots of nice comments come my way about this blog in particular.
I managed to stay until just after 11pm and when I go in I was shattered and to be honest yesterday and today I have spent in bed as I am as flat as a battery with a horrid headache that tablets just wont shift.....I even had a cat nap this afternoon which is something I haven't done i a while but nevermind that sometimes just cannot be helped..
So I will have to go careful this next two weeks and be conservative with my energy...that's ok though I get through it........
So just a short post today to give you the heads up of where I am.....
Today's picture is from Mablethorpe to...!
Thanks again for reading....See you all soon.....LFB xx
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