Hiya........Yes I have left it a long time again since I last blogged....
There is a reason for this and it may become apparent in this post, but basically I have been extremely peed off and frustrated and I didn't want this blog to become dark and gloomy like the weather, although I wanted to put all my thoughts and feelings in this for my own sake I would have ranted and spouted crap (no I don't usually!!!) and that wouldn't have been helpful to me or you reading this trying to understand this illness........
Anyhow I will begin with seeing my doctor on the 12th November, we gain chatted about things I explained that how for 2 weeks the injection gave me my old life back but had now evidently worn off, but he didn't want to increase my dosage, he wants to see how the next 2 injections go and then discuss that further....fair enough
I had my second B12 injection on 16th Nov and by the following day I felt great again, even tackled the spare bedroom....I was so looking forward to my birthday on 18th.....but no such luck, whilst I woke up feeling great after getting ready to go out I was sick......not sure of it was a 24 hrs bug or side effect form the injection...but I spent most of my birthday in bed......grrrrr.....
So the injection has not had the same effect as last time but it did have a positive effect initially......so I am not too dejected...it maybe a case that I need as I said before alot of B12 to improve my levels then an injection every month to maintain this....(even the nurse who injected me said that is usually the case) but I will just have to Wait for the next injection in 3 weeks now....
Then onwards to the 19th and my return the hospital, I saw a different neurologist this time not that i minded, she was really welcoming and nice, she did say to me that the MRI scan that I had on my brain (and I have been told about 3 times its all clear) show "Cholesterol Graining" on it...whatever that is, as she was unsure and will speak to the radiologist, I am not too worried though as I googled it and nothing came up, and she did say it could be something I was born with, and I know that a radiologist has looked at this already, although it does still make you worry slightly when you don't know for sure......
I spoke with her about the B12 and she wants to do YET MORE BLOOD!! to check my anitibodies and also to see if I have Coeliac Disease which is a reaction to some food products ie wheat...it maybe that I need a gluten free diet.....this maybe the reason that my B12 is low as having this is a malfunction in your stomach/intestine which does not absorb your food and therefore nutrients properly, it may also mean that I may have to have the camera down my throat!! The joys.........
That brings me back to my first paragraph of why I haven't blogged, I feel like I have been on a roundabout and just need it to stop, I am grateful for all the tests they are doing however just wish that they were all done in one go, everything seems to be taking too long......I will be going back to the hospital in 2 months but I will be on the phone before that for the blood results (I have the blood taken on Wednesday by the way as it was too late at the hospital on Thursday for it to be done)
However my life is just at a standstill at the minute....Do I need to quit work? Will I get better? etc etc....
I know i will get answers soon I just feel after 12 months I am no nearer to getting a confirmed diagnoses that I was in January.....so I have been quite down and miserable lately and I am better off alone when this happens as I will bite someones head of for no reason and that is not fair.....
I am just very lucky to have Ferg, my family and some very close friends to help pull me through times like this as it hard for me, but also hard for them to see the bubbly character that is usually me being on the floor....it is hard for them to deal with too......If it is that I have CFS/ME then fine I will accept that make changes in my life I need to a move on......if its something else then fine I will tackle that too.....its just the not knowing that really pees me off......
So that's that for now.....sorry its been longer than before but I hope you understand........
I need to cheer up soon as in 2 weeks my best friend gets wed at Gretna Green and I must be there and happy to.....but being around my friends will be a happy affair anyhow..............
Oh and I have Peter Kay tickets for next May too.....lets hope I'm well enough to go....I need some laughter
Today's picture is me and hubby...Love you Ferg.....xx
Take care guys and catch ya soon love LFB xxx
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