Hiya Guys
Well what a weeks its been...........I managed to complete my appeal letter in 5 days......took me that long as I disagreed with 15 statements on the medical reports and I also added additional information which was "missed" !
Now I just have to sit and wait........I saw my doctor on Monday and the lovely DWP had informed him of their decision he said there is no way at this moment in time I am fit for work and he would support me, which is good. So many M.E sufferers do get get GP or any medical support as quite a huge number of medical and non-medical people STILL do not believe that this is a real illness......Yet they will prescribe tablets etc...to help.......
Luckily my GP believes me as does the neurologist, it always helps you when you have their support.
The last few days I've perked up a bit, I think because of Xmas, getting used to Ferg being with me in the day for almost 3 weeks and then him working again, and this medical and appeal I was very much down, felt battered and tired.....I think now I have settled back in a routine although I am still shattered and the headaches are raging, my mood has lifted a lot.
A letter arrived last week from the hospital, wanting me to have MORE bloods done....which I had on Monday at my GP surgery.......Yesterday Dr.Stone called me....I though oh oh....something is wrong as he has never called me.....My iron is now low, should be at a minimum 11.5 and mine is 10.....so he left me a prescription at the reception to start taking some iron tablets daily.
Low iron can caused extreme fatigue, headaches...I once again and not pinning my hope on this is why I am ill.....but you never know......I think my problems are to do with my stomach, the acid that it produces......I am hoping that the endoscopy will be soon, as if there is a problem there this will find it.
I got a new pen friend to, a lovely lady that I met through the foggy friend forum, and although we chat on there it is fun to pen a letter and send it as even better to receive a nice friendly letter in the post that is not a bill.
I love that forum too......foggy friends....we have such a laugh there, if your feeling down they will cheer you up, if you have a problem someone will have advice, and good mixture of men and women of all ages who either suffer from M.E or are a carer or parent of an M.E sufferer.....Its a fab site and has become a good companion for me during the days, as has Nando!!
So that's where I am at the minute........just waiting for my next B12 injection, seeing if these iron tablets work and appointments for the endoscopy and neurologist again......
Today's Picture is me and my darling Ferg x
Thanks for reading......Take care speak soon..........love LFB xx
hey hun im glad your mood has lifted. and good luck with the apeal xxx love Rae and google