Hi Folks
Hope your all well.....I'm pleased to report that health wise Ive had a better week, not great but better.
I started the iron tablets and apart from a few stomach cramps they gave me at first they have seemed to have helped me.....not cured me but I'll take any improvement, and in 2 weeks I will be having a B12 injection....hoping that gives me a boost as I haven't had one in 3 months....
My headaches have eased, they haven't been as frequent or as painful as they were, again a sign the iron tablets have helped.
I'm still waiting for an appointment for my endoscopy which may reveal the reason why my iron and B12 are low.....I may call them this week to see whats happening as I was hoping to have heard by now, no harm in chasing is there!
I am also hoping to move closer to my family and friends too, I am on the council waiting list and was in a non priority band, but my GP has wrote them a letter to say because of my illness and Ferg being out most days it would be beneficial if I moved near them.....They called yesterday.....ONE DAY after I posted the GP letter to say they have put me in Band 2 and that is a good high priority...........so I just have to wait now and see what properties come up.....
At the minute I'm stuck in day in day out as going to see friends and family is just to far to walk and I'm still a little too shakey to use buses and taxi's aren't cheap......
At least with this people can come and see me easily and also I can go and see them as it should all be within a few minutes walking distance which I could manage.
Work wise....I think a decision will be made very soon......I'm sad about the probability of this but deep down I know its for the best......I can then move forward and concentrate completely on my health.
Well that's all for now....As I've not been up to much
Today's picture is again of mt new friend....he is just too cute
Take care speak soon............LFB xx
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