Well....Okay Naughty me....not been blogging again.....Well it was Xmas didn't ya know!!
So here we all on in the Tennies or whatever they will be know as.....and whats changed? Not a lot.....but we shall give it time......
Well as you know my last xmas was a complete washout...I was hoping a praying that this year It would be better.....Oh and it was!!
We loaded up the car an took the 5 minute car journey on Xmas eve to my sisters, god she must have thought we were moving in!! I was so excited as I was feeling ok compared to other days I have.
We packed the kids to bed early after laying out Santa's mince pie etc....which Ferg ate!! Sorted out there presents and finally got into bed at 11pm.
I have not stayed at my sisters new house before and because of the strange surroundings I slept poorly, and was up at about 6am to see my 2 nephews excitidly open there presents.....I was feeling so tired I though OH OH...I'm not gonna last all day...........however as my mum was having dinner at my sisters and and I was going to go my nans and see my Dad when he got there too I only had to go my nans house on xmas day rather than the usual 3-4 house visits!!
I had some great presents, pants, socks, shower gel...lol.....and lots of books a book vouchers that will keep me busy for sometime...I had a xmas dinner this year too...last year I missed it all.....
I survived the day!!!! and I had a few cheeky drinks along the way!!
I slept like a log that night too......brilliant!! Boxing came and my sister again played host to the family........we had a buffet going on, with of course some alcoholic beverages and karaoke for the xbox........we had a fab day laughing, drinking and singing although I overdid it and was sick through alcohol!! Too much Too quick!! My own fault......I went to bed at half 9 with the room spinning!! But I HAD FUN!!! And to me that is all that mattered......I mean last boxing day Ferg had to call an ambulance to me.......!!
We stayed at my sisters until Monday.......Sunday was a day of rest...we had a lovely roast beef dinner at my mums.....then when we went back to my sisters I did have an afternoon sleep....well I had deserved it!!
The days in between Xmas and New Year I rested as I was feeling the effects of over indulgence, I did manage to nip into town and buy some books with the vouchers I had from my birthday and Xmas...so that will keep me occupied for a while.....
I also went to see my GP on NYE too, as my indigestion is still bad, he gave me some more tablets and some peptec and will refer me to see someone at the hospital about it, we also discussed my B12 injections......He said they will continue with them but once every 3 months.....I am quite concerned about that and spoke to him about my concerns but he said lets try it first and if I feel I need it monthly then maybe we can revert back to that.....I'm not convinced but what can I do.....I can break in the surgery and inject myself......so I am taking some tablets from holland and barrett to help.....I think they are helping but only time will tell..........will keep you posted!
So NYE came....and by 8pm I really thought I was gonna have to hit the sack....but a few shandies later I got that familiar drunk feeling and stayed up until 4am!!! I know MADNESS.....We had a family/friends party at my mums...beer and food.....I made a chicken and a beef curry...(I don't eat them) but they went down a storm........as did the beer!!
Yes I did pay for it, for the last few days but SO WHAT!!! I had the most fun I'd had in a year, and I would do it all again........although I ma not planning on pulling the same stunt every weekend!! But once in 12 months......Yes I can handle that!!!
Anyhow the next two weeks are busyish...........On Friday I have a Pathways to work interview at the job centre.....and the following Wednesday they are sending me to Wolverhampton for a medical!! Great fun! Also this week see's the last few days of my dog sitting duty........arhhh she even bought me a xmas pressie...so sweet....
So that Xmas and NY all done and dusted and I must say I enjoyed it.....even though I am knackered!!
This year I hope I will sort alot of things out in my life to enable me to move on and live with CFS/ME...........
Stay tuned for the next installment..........
Today's picture is me and my cousin drunk on NYE pretending to be Jedward!!
Happy New Year to you all
Catch ya soon..................LFB xx
Seems like you had a fab Xmas and New Year surrounded by family and close friends. Just what its all about. You are an inspiration to other with ME and show that you can have fun even if it does knock you down again for a day or 2, live life with ME dont let ME live your life! Dawn x
ReplyDeleteim glad you had a great time you so deserve it. those of us with m.e need those days of fun and normality they are some of the best medicine we can have. xx