Hello Again....Its me!!
I think I have just about recovered from a bout of Man-Flu....damm it was horrible......I haven't had a cold like that in years....and with a poor immune system since having M.E it hit me harder than I thought.....But Beechams (well tesco's own brand!) saw me though and I survived it just about!
I'm not feeling like I'm in a good place at the minute, I think because I've been ill for a year I still feel I am no further forward than 12 months ago, although I know I've come along way I think I just need loose ends tying up one way or another as I'm ready to move on to the next chapter.
I have my first of 6 Pathways to work interviews on Friday at the Job Centre, The advisor Emma was very nice to be fair, after hearing some stories I was very weary but I needn't have been.
She explained about financial help I could get whether I returned to work or not and what benefits I could possibly get and also course I could go on to possibly train in another job that would not be as demanding. She is also going to keep an eye out for jobs from home that I cold possibly do maybe like data entry etc....
I felt happy when I left I left as I feel no pressure at all that I had to return to work and that I have top do any courses etc...which is good as at the minute I don't feel strong enough to do that, don't get me wrong some days I do but some days I don't and I don't think to many companies will allow flexi working as I may need it, and as she also said my health comes first.
If I could work I would.....
I have my ESA (that's employment and support allowance it replaced Incapacity Benefit) medical in the morning which I am a bit tentative about...I read in the paper that an M.E sufferer could pick a pencil of the floor so they declared her fit for work!!! I mean do these medical people at ATOS (that's the people who assess you on behalf of the claims dept) know anything!!! Anyhow I will go open minded and tell them what my life is like then they can make a decision.......Ferg will be with anyhow.
I hope then once all this is done I can then work out with Argos what the best outcome is (which I already know in the back of my mind) and move on with my life.....That's all I want, I'm not saying by these decisions everything will be fine but it will take the monkey off my back so to speak, I wont feel I'm in between things then, if that makes sense.
So I will update in a few days to let you know how my medical went......
Todays picture is one from Xmas Eve...Me and my nephew Louis pulling silly faces....
Take care speak to you all soon..........LFB xxx
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