Hello All
Well....Not a great deal has happen this past week or so........
Details on the house move are the council have said I could have a house as only me and ferg...but I could have a 2 bed flat?!?!? Yes makes sense doesn't it...anyhow I penned an email to my local MP to see if he can help as I would like a house so we had a garden.....while it would still be within the grounds of a house at least in the summer months I could sit outside easily and not be couped up most days......so my local MP is looking into it for me.....personally I cant see the difference between a 2 bed house and 2 bed flat.......so things are just crazy.......
I have my 2nd Pathways to Work interview on Friday morning....at 9am!!! arghhhh
I will let you know how it goes....it should be pretty painless....just boring......but I will continue to play by the rules......
I still haven't heard anything from my appeal.....probably will take the DWP 6 months but that's okay, I will wait.....I'm not moving anywhere fast!!
Finally had a letter from Stafford hospital too, I go to see the gasto doctor on Monday...Mid morning...I think this is just an initial appt...so hopefully that may discover a reason why I get constant indigestion/heartburn, acid reflux and food sticking in my throat.....
Then on Tuesday I have booked in to have my B12 injection...I haven't had once since December so I am hoping this will give me a boost...a boost that will be more than welcome as well.....
I'm still on the iron tablets....still giving my belly a bit of discomfort but nothing too major but I will see my GP also next Tuesday if I can and talk with him about my last lot of bloods....as they re-did my B12 so I'm interested in what that reading was.
I have also for the first time ever given up not one but two things for lent, I'm not religious but I just wanted to see if I still had some of my grit, determination and fight left in me, so I have given up too big things for me......Takeaways....of all kinds, and also alcohol.....I'm hoping that I will also loose a few pound in weight while I'm at it too.....This just gives me a little bit of focus back, even if it is just for a short period.....
I also have been writing letters, I have 2 pen friends, I met from the Foggy Friends forum I use, letter writing has never been a strong point for me but I am really enjoying it.....I love receiving and also penning a hand written letter, it seems more personal to pen on rather than type one.....
I am also joining the local M.E group, I finally found details of one in Stafford, so I hope to meet some local people who also suffer and share any tips or just general chat really.
Well that's me done for now........Today's picture is Me and hubby again.....:-D
Take care for now and thanks for reading LFB xxx