Hiya Guys and Gals.....How are we all?
Well in 2 words......IM KNACKERED!! So for a few days my body will again be in recovery mode...but it was sooooooo worth it, I survived my best friends wedding but only just!!
I have a little energy left so while I still remember what I have done the last few days I thought I best write it down.....although Loose women is interrupting this process...grrrr daytime telly I am becoming more sucked in to this life.....!
Anyhow I had the worst possible start to the weekend imaginable, I woke up on the Friday morning at 4am...and could I get back to sleep...NO....arghhhhhh sleep is so important to me and I usually sleep so well...but I did the worst thing possible on Thursday..I fell asleep as I spent most of the day in bed resting...I haven't slept in the day for a few months and it really makes a difference forcing myself to stay awake in the day in order to have some quality sleep in the night.....Oh well I thought cant do nothing about that.....
We set off on the mini about 10.30am.....and I just popped my MP3 player on....lay my head on my pillow and rested at the back of the mini bus up the M6.....we had a great journey to be fair, and arrived at Gretna about 3ish....missing out all the usual Friday traffic on the car park otherwise known as the M6...........when we got there though I felt sick...., like physically sick.....I don't think the latte I had from the service did me much good....so as soon as we had the key to the room I was in the loo being sick......hmmmmmmmmm great!
Friday night the gang had a few drinks in the bar, whilst I stayed in bed...rest and sleep was what I needed, and as I had made it this far I wasn't gonna miss Dawn's big day.
Saturday morning came and although I felt groggy I felt 100% better than the previous night....I went and ate breakfast and then showered and changed the wedding was at 11:30am.....OMG again though I was sick.....Great!!.......I did actually make it through the ceremony...oh it was great Martyn and Dawn both looked fab...in fact as Dawn entered the chapel then stood next to him I couldn't help but cry...what a wally!! No-one else was...I looked round and prayed I wasn't the only one....Oh well I must be getting sentimental in my old age!
We went on to have the meal...which about an hour after prompty came back up....not good!! all this food just not digesting...and I need food as my energy....argghhhh........I made it out on the night for a few hours like everyone else as we were all knackered...and once I'd had some Bacardi Breezers (yeh not great when you've been sick....but I just thought if I'm gonna be ill I'm gonna be ill regardless so what the hell!) I had some fun.......The journey home was good, again I just rested and we got back within 4 hrs...........I am really pleased I made it to my best mates wedding, as 6 months ago I just didn't think I would....I think also that my friends saw how ill and how quickly it can come on which in a funny way helped because although I tell them about it and they read this to see how I am and how quick this can shoot me down speaks louder than words, but all of them who were there were very supportive, and kept checking I was OK....again I may be ill but I am so blessed to have family and friends like mine......without them this illness could have taken me down a very depressing path and although some days I am down, one of them will say a few words and it picks me they are great....!
So the sickness thing...I had this trouble before and some tablets the doctor gave me helped, I went to see him again yesterday and he has given me some different ones to try and if this sickness continues he will refer me to have a endoscopy to make sure nothing serious is wrong with my digestive system......and if that isn't bad enough now I am claiming ESA (employment support allowance) as my SSP has ran out with work, which is hardly surprising....and while they are paying me a whole £65 oer week!! whoopieee they have sent me a form to fill in which I think I need a PHD for.....man its huge!!!! I've been filling it in for two days now....oh well...its embarrassing to.....claiming benefits...I just want to work.....for financial and social reasons........almost 12 months now Ive been ill......but anyhow I don't want to go down that road of sadness now as the festive/happy time of year for most of us is fast approaching.....at least I have managed to get every ones xmas presents (as I have some ££ saved) and most of the wrapping done..just a few more to wrap and I'm done
The tree went up yesterday....and I will be at my sisters for Xmas day...I am looking forward to it as last year I spent all day in bed and boxing day we had the ambulance out...its seemed so long ago but now xmas is fats approaching its seems all to recent now....strange...
Anyhow long post again and Im tired now....so like I said I think I need a few days recovery...and I have my next B12 on Monday so I'm hoping again that helps.........
Today's picture is me and Ferg at the wedding from the weekend, I really love this photo
Thanks for reading again and I will blog soon take care...........Love LFB xxx
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