Hello Again!!!
Hope your all well and settling in to the season of goodwill.........I'm just sat here waiting for a glimpse of snow.....apparently London have it......may soon be here!!! I hope for snow on xmas day...makes it feel that little more special doesn't it........
Well I suppose I best tell you how Im getting on...........quite well the last few days...and I suppose its not coincidence that it was injection day on Monday!! Oh How I am starting to love that B12 ribeana looking liquid!! even if just for a few weeks..........IT HELPS!! PLEASE LET ME HAVE MORE!!!!
Towards the end of last week I was really feeling poorly, I'm still having trouble with my digestive system.....so I will wait for a bit like the doctor said then if it continues I will go back.........I had the worst headache imaginable.......It seemed to have lasted days and days, I felt like someone had whacked me in the back of my head with a hammer, the only time I didn't feel it was when I was sleeping.
I have spoken to many sufferers and I am quite lucky with quality and quantity of sleep I get, some days its a fight to stay awake, but its worth it as I then sleep well at night, during the day when I do feel like I could drift off I just rest and let it pass by....Its hard but more beneficial.
Anyhow I've had the jab and although I don't feel it being as beneficial as the first one I had I do feel the benefits, I am not as tired, and I have less symptoms, the headaches ease and the body aches ease......Although not completely gone I find I can manage more.....I just hope the doctor see's it that way too....I suppose it doesn't help having a little cold hanging onto me either............
My immune system is so low as my antibodies are I just seem to pick anything up really quickly...........SO MUCH FUN!!
I cannot quite believe too that this weekend coming will be my 1 year anniversary of being ill......I don't think I will be celebrating that!! Although I do feel that in the last 12 months I have come along way.....I mean for months I didn't go out not even to the shops where as now once or twice a week I can manage that. Little by Little and day by Day I will beat this and if it takes time then so be it.....
The worse thing for me at the minute is my work situation.....Like I said work have been 150% amazing, I couldn't ask for anything else, I just hope that I can get back there, even part time maybe, although they and I am not putting ANY pressure on myself to, and if I have to leave then so be it.....I will concentrate on getting better or managing my illness better then look for some other employment.........who knows at the minute though.........
I am also dog sitting for my brother 3 days a week at the minute, as his usual dog sitter is on a holiday for weeks, its not demanding, I don't have to take Becca (that's the dog) for a walk, as my brother does that....my mum picks me up about 10.30 am.......and me and Becca just chill on the sofa watching DVD's (Prime suspect at the minute, WHY have I never watched this before its fab!) then Ferg gets me about 4.30pm and that me done.......its only 3-4 days of the week....and its only like being at home and I must say the dog is good company...she is soooo lovely too......I will upload a pic soon of her.
Xmas is also fast approaching and I still have to wrap some pressies.........I don't like this much......DAMM!!
Like I said previously last xmas for me and Ferg was a washout really.....ambulance on boxing day...lots of drama!! OMG.........So this year I aim to enjoy it all.......then rest for 12 months to get over it!!
Well that's ya lot for today......today's picture is my and my bestest mate....who came to visit me on Saturday and ate all my bloody biscuits!!
Take care Talk soon..........Love LFB xx